Friday, June 15, 2012

The overview of Kangra Fort!

The Kangra Fort Hindiकांगड़ाPunjabiਕਾਂਗੜਾ, is located 20 kilometers from the town of Dharamsala on the outskirts of the town of KangraIndia. The fort was first mentioned in Alexander the Great's war records, referring to the 4th century BC.

                          This is somewhere near the entrance... a long.. stairways to heaven probably..!!!

As we move up we witness the various structures built over there... which adds grace to the fort..! though lacked guide ability...!

   This caught my vision specialy because of its invariant location and very contrasting color of the door...!!
I ll quote it as " Before I left, I opened a lot of doors for a lot of people to play the blues"

This was the lock of the main door of the historic fort..!! when the privacy open its shutter and the mystery prevails...wanting to know whats hidden and whats true...!!

The Jwellery shots!

They say Diamonds are best friend of a women..    i say the PEARLS are.. the original..loving and classic.. and ROYAL!

                 “All art is autobiographical; the pearl is the oyster's autobiography”
